Children and Students

What is there for my kids?

At St. Pat's, we believe everyone, from the youngest to the oldest, is central to our worship and parish life. We’re proud of the strong intergenerational bonds that are formed in our church. Here, children and students don’t just attend church—they participate fully. At St. Patrick's, young people serve as acolytes, sing in the choir, and even assist as eucharistic ministers. By working and serving alongside adults, our youth experience firsthand what it means to be part of a faith community. 

Wednesday evening Eucharist (6 pm) and fellowship afterward are a warm and fun environment for the whole family, as are all our outreach programs, community events, and special celebrations. 

While we are a small congregation with a limited number of children and students, we are working and experimenting on how best to engage the young people of our parish in their spiritual formation apart from worship. Read more about our new Sunday School program below.

Sunday School

On the first Sunday of each month, after the 10:30 am Eucharist, children are invited to the Fox House for a meal, storytime, artistic expression, and even some liturgical training! This typically lasts 30 - 45 minutes, and parents are invited to enjoy coffee hour fellowship while kids are in Sunday School. Our program is led by volunteers from our parish full of gifted, loving, creative, affirming adults; and our teenagers often help out! See the signup sheet in the back of the church to volunteer for a Sunday. 

Sunday Morning Childcare

While children of all ages are always welcome in our services, most Sundays, we offer childcare in the Fox House for those who are too young to truly participate, especially for an extended period of time. We encourage families to begin worship in church together and receive Communion together: for the interim, you can take children over to the Fox House as needed, and during the Peace bring them back before Communion. Added bonus: the Fox House is home to St. Patrick Preschool, a bright, playful, child-friendly environment. 

Help Us Grow

As we look to the future, we do so with hope and excitement, eager to continue nurturing the spiritual growth of our youngest members, cherishing their witness of faith and Spirit to adults, and embracing the richness of all their contributions today. Would you join us as we strive to make this place better and build a welcoming and loving community for all ages? If you are willing help in the formation our young people, let the clergy know.

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