Our Staff

Priest in Charge

The Rev. Chris Brannock

Chris was born and reared in East Tennessee. She received her B.F.A. From East Tennessee State University in drawing and painting and her M.A. in Art History from Emory University. She went on to receive her M.Div. From The General Theological Seminary in NYC in 1983. She returned to General for post-graduate studies in Early Christian Art in 1998.

Chris has served parishes in East Tennessee, Vermont, and Kentucky. She continues to live out her vocation as priest and as an artist with a deep passion. Recently she began studying the writing of icons.


Below are a couple of examples of Chris's art.

Our Staff

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Anna Baumann

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Parish Administrator

Sonya Denny

St Patricks 5

Music Director

Elizabeth Loiocano

St Patricks 12

Music Director

John McQueary

St Patricks 18b

Parish Adminstrator

Lynn Roback

The Vestry

The Vestry is a body of volunteers that help shape and guide the direction of our church.

Current vestry members include Michael Loiacono (Senior Warden | Class of 2026), Pam Knight (Junior Warden | Class of 2025), Andy Childers (Youth Representative), Chris Childers (Class of 2027), Joel Dowlen (Class of 2026), David Eads (Class of 2027), Ashley Polson (Treasurer), and Josh Stogsdill (Class of 2027).

Bishop of the Diocese of Lexington

The Rt. Rev. Mark Van Koevering

Mark serves as the VIII Bishop of the Diocese of Lexington, to which Saint Patrick's belongs. Bishops are charged with the apostolic work of leading, supervising, and uniting the church; they represent Christ and his church and are called to provide Christian vision and leadership for the entire dioceses.

More About Our Bishop