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Upcoming Events
Vestry Meeting
Feb 9th
Vestry Meeting
Eucharist with Special Guest
The Bishop talks about Walking the Camino
Feb 19th | 6:00pm
Eucharist with Special Guest
The Bishop talks about Walking the Camino
Bishop Mark and his wife will be us for service and dinner afterwards to discuss his pilgrimage last week.
Theology & Movies
Movie Night
Feb 21st | 6:00pm
Theology & Movies
Movie Night
Kids Sunday School
Mar 2nd | 11:30am
Kids Sunday School
The first Sunday of each month, kids are invited to Sunday School in the Fox House! This program will feature a meal, artistic self-expression, Christian formation and even some liturgical training.
Ash Wednesday
The Beginning of Lent
Mar 5th | 12:00pm
Ash Wednesday
The Beginning of Lent
Ash Wednesday (along with Good Friday) is one of two days in the liturgical year, especially set aside for fasting. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a solemn season of repentance and reflection, where Christians are reminded of their mortality with the imposition of ashes and called to turn their hearts toward God.
Lent is a sacred season of the Christian year, spanning 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter. For many, Lent includes practices like fasting, giving up certain luxuries, or taking on acts of service to deepen their faith and grow closer to God. In our church, we honor this season as a journey of renewal and hope, preparing our hearts to celebrate the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Everyone is welcome to join us in observing this meaningful time of spiritual growth.
From the Book of Common Prayer (264):
The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord's passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. This season of Lent provided a time in which converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time when those who, because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the fellowship of the Church. Thereby, the whole congregation was put in mind of the message of pardon and absolution set forth in the Gospel of our Savior, and of the need which all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith.
Ash Wednesday
The Beginning of Lent
Mar 5th | 6:00pm
Ash Wednesday
The Beginning of Lent
Ash Wednesday (along with Good Friday) is one of two days in the liturgical year, especially set aside for fasting. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a solemn season of repentance and reflection, where Christians are reminded of their mortality with the imposition of ashes and called to turn their hearts toward God.
Lent is a sacred season of the Christian year, spanning 40 days (excluding Sundays) leading up to Easter. For many, Lent includes practices like fasting, giving up certain luxuries, or taking on acts of service to deepen their faith and grow closer to God. In our church, we honor this season as a journey of renewal and hope, preparing our hearts to celebrate the resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. Everyone is welcome to join us in observing this meaningful time of spiritual growth.
From the Book of Common Prayer (264):
The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lord's passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. This season of Lent provided a time in which converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time when those who, because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the fellowship of the Church. Thereby, the whole congregation was put in mind of the message of pardon and absolution set forth in the Gospel of our Savior, and of the need which all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith.
Kids Sunday School
Apr 6th | 11:30am
Kids Sunday School
The first Sunday of each month, kids are invited to Sunday School in the Fox House! This program will feature a meal, artistic self-expression, Christian formation and even some liturgical training.
Holy Week
Multiple Services Throughout the Week
Apr 13th - 19th
Holy Week
Multiple Services Throughout the Week
Palm Sunday - Sunday 13th
Service at 10:30AM. We will have a special procession as we enter remembering Christ's entry into Jerusalem.
Wednesday Eucharist - Wednesday 16th
We will have our normal Wednesday service.
Maundy Thursday - April 17th
We will have a foot-washing service and watch until midnight at the Altar of Repose.
Good Friday - April 18th
Services at noon to remember the day Christ was crucified.
Holy Saturday - April 90th
We will hold Easter vigil in our courtyard.
Easter Sunday - April 20th
Join us and bring a friend for Easter Sunday Eucharist.
Easter Sunday
Apr 20th
Easter Sunday
Kids Sunday School
May 4th | 11:30am
Kids Sunday School
The first Sunday of each month, kids are invited to Sunday School in the Fox House! This program will feature a meal, artistic self-expression, Christian formation and even some liturgical training.
Weekly Newsletter