Sundays at 10:30AM
Wednesdays at 6:00PM
Anyone is welcome at any service.
Our services are wheelchair accessible.
Your First Visit
We Meet Twice Weekly for Worship:
Anyone is welcome at any service.
Our services are wheelchair accessible.
We're Easy to Find
We are located in downtown Somerset on Columbia Street, just up the street from the courthouse or just behind Vortex Corner. You may have to fight Somerset's one-way streets or the parking jobs of the Presbyterians next door, but we promise we are easy to find. (Just kidding about the Presbyterians—they're great neighbors!)
Parking: While we do have a pretty small parking lot, we've got some spots reserved for you. Plus, there is plenty of street parking within about a 30-second walk.
It Might Get Weird!
Many of us are transplants from other denominations, and we get that it looks a little different here. We use what's called a liturgy, or order of service, that involves standing, sitting, praying, singing, and even some chanting. (Don't worry, you've got this!)
If you come from a Roman Catholic background, it'll be old hat, though it might be new to see the Eucharist celebrated by Fathers and Mothers!
Order of Service
If you get a little lost during your first week, don't worry—we all did and many of us still do! We share a goofy sense of humor about it.
Each week, everyone gets a bulletin outlining the order of service and everything you'll need to know.
And most importantly: no one is taking score! You're welcome to simply sit and take it all in, and no one will bat an eye.
Excuse Me...
Saint Patrick's is spread across two buildings, separated by a small courtyard. Services are held in the red brick building, while restrooms, childcare, and coffee hour are held in the white building, known as the Fox House. There is no restroom in the chapel building. As always, ask if you need help knowing where to go.
Receiving Communion
The Eucharist is our central act of our worship. We follow Christ’s command to take the bread and wine and believe that he is mysteriously and powerfully present each time we do.
Our table is open. All are invited to come forward to receive the bread and wine. For those wishing to simply receive a blessing instead, cross your arms over your chest. If you need a gluten-free wafer, just ask!
Follow the instructions in the bulletin and the lead of those around you, and don't be afraid to ask a question. Episcopalians love questions!
Coffee Hour
All are welcome to attend Coffee Hour for fellowship and food after the Sunday service. Coffee Hour happens in the Fox House, across the courtyard from the church. Parishioners take turns hosting, bringing a wide array of treats such as baked goods and fruit. During Coffee Hour, we enjoy visiting with each other, sharing stories, and celebrating special occasions.
Watch Online
We stream live to YouTube each week, and past services are available to watch on demand.
Full disclosure: Episcopal worship is participatory and meant to engage the whole person; while Youtube is a great way to check us out, in-person services are much more meaningful.